Today’s feedback covers once again those episodes, when we talked about the work of photojournalist Jo-Anne McArthur which has created its own mailbag almost! Jo-Anne with co-editor Keith Wilson talked about the book HIDDEN, and our relationship with animals in episodes 118 and 123, a link to the film discussed is below also. We talk again about the editions recorded with Darrin Zammit Lupi, a Reuters photojournalist who has been making a photo story with his daughter Rebecca as she battles with a rare form of bone cancer. Sean Tucker gets a worthy mention for his episodes over the last couple of weeks, this week Sean discussed the currency of likes and find great shots from the every day.
The Bokeh Bard website
Michael Grecco, American portrait photographer
Perfection is overrated episode
Today's show is kindly supported by MPB who are the number one platform for buying, selling and trading used gear. Right now if you have kit that is collecting dust somewhere, it's time to think about putting it to good use by receiving money for it and putting that camera or lens in to the hands of someone who will use it and every time you sell, or buy or trade kit, MPB will plant a tree, it's all part of driving the circular economy. Go to mpb.com... what is lingering in your closet you no longer need?
Also, today’s edition is brought to you by Sprout Studio, a studio management suite that gives you everything you need to run your photography business in one place; galleries, CRM, email marketing, scheduling, book keeping and so much more. Visit sproutredo.com/podcast to learn more about Sprout Studio today.
Gina Easley’s mail about Jo-Anne McArthur’s work has prompted sharing the trailer for this powerful film about animal activism and photojournalism.