By 84A5***3
It is time for my yearly checkup. With a pre-existing condition, I hope for the best and prepare for the worst. This time they will have to open up my body to understand the severity of my symptoms.
My vision is suffering and energy wanes.
How did I get to this moment in time?
Was this condition caused by the environment or my lifestyle? The physical environment has taken its toll on my body. Hot desert sun, blowing sand, salt water spray, waterfall mist, freezing mornings, snow and rain has scarred by body both internally and externally. My lifestyle has pushed the boundary of my strength, energy and endurance during the past year. Did I push the envelope too far? Was the risk worth the reward? Did crossing the line between reasonable safety and extreme danger return the results envisioned.
The circuitry in my body is compromised and has become susceptible to infection and decay. My diagnosis doesn’t sound that great. The corrosion to my system will continue to spread until total failure.
I will not stop taking images and capturing life until my X-T2 main power board dies.
(Richard Heinrich’s camera companion)