Just finished the latest episode of the podcast and it inspired me to the point that I just had to send in another picture for the 365. I mostly shoot in colour but that is probably due to laziness, at least partly. Hearing Valerie Jardin again, speaking about black-and-white photos, kind of rekindled my interest in that particular way of seeing the world, and photographing it. Of course she puts it much better than I ever could, but I think black-and-white pictures adds something that I kind exactly put my my finger on, which more then weighs up for the loss of colour. If we can even speak of loss of colour. I would say it's a whole different quality, never mind that the subject might be the same. So I quickly decided to make a picture of the one person I find it easiest to photograph, my lovely youngest daughter Sofie. In general I don't find it easy to photograph people, and I have great barriers towards approaching strangers for a photo. But then there is always Sofie, thankfully.