Kelly Mitchell (above) with the perfect closing photograph for a year of 365.
My sincere thanks to those who have taken part in this… well, let me call it, ‘adventure,’ as that’s what it has felt to me. 365s are a considerable challenge and I know there have been days I have missed posting, which is why the feature ‘crept’ just a little. For those who plan to embark upon their own 365s, probably on the stroke of midnight this new year’s eve for the most part, good luck and safe travels with it. I think it’s a fantastic personal assignment and I’ll be looking forward to hearing about and seeing your photographs plus travels within the Photowalk show. So please keep telling me about your experiences as you make those pictures, as hopefully, it’ll inspire photographers to embark upon a most ambitious challenge in ‘23.
Theodor Stana
Eric Joseph
Andrew Hardacre
Matthew Haddow
Andrew White
Paul Hornsby