From David Wright: “Particularly considering the portraiture part of my work, I'm gonna have to set eyes as a word because it's everything. That's the connection in the photograph, although obviously, this can be interpreted in a range of different ways. Perhaps the obvious way, is through a straight connection of meeting eyes through your lens by way of a portrait, but let's see what other roads are explored.”


Send your entry to stories@photowalk.show. Your picture should be 2,500 pixels wide, if possible, for online optimisation. Or send the full-resolution photo, which we will optimise. Feel free to provide text as well if you think it will help explain the location, context, etc. Please don’t add borders or watermarks, and be sure to send links to your websites and socials so that we can link to your work on this assignment page. We’ll use a selection of photos you submit on our Photowalk Instagram to showcase your work to our community and help building connections.

Entries are shown below. Good luck!



Finding eyes for this month’s assignment. Photo by David Wright.


When I saw this assignment, I immediately thought of this photo that I took at the St. Louis Zoo. This is Donna, a delightful and friendly an Asian Elephant. I shard this photo with her trainers and it now hangs in their offices. Sadly, Donna was put down recently due to worsening health conditions. She was 52 years old.  

See more of Allin’s work on Instagram.


In February 2011, during a research consultancy at the Institute of Land Administration at Bahir Dar University (ILA-BDU), I took time off to explore the spiritual heart of Ethiopia. Hiring a guide and a boat, I ventured across Lake Tana to Narga Selassie Monastery on Dek Island, Lake Tana, seeking a deeper connection with Ethiopia’s rich Ge’ez script, traditions, and cultural heritage, which have remained remarkably intact for millennia.

There, I encountered this Coptic monk, whose quiet devotion and depth of knowledge were palpable. As he graciously posed for a few photographs, he was intent on conveying the essence of his sacred texts. Yet, it was his eyes that truly captivated me—there’s an intensity to his gaze that seems to draw you in and follow you, even in this image.

The photograph was taken on a Nikon D70s in very low light. The original was a JPEG, but given its significance to me, I later refined it in Lightroom and Topaz Photo AI to enhance its depth and clarity for print.

See more of Spike’s work on Smugmug, YouTube and hear him through his podcast.


Seen at an Extinction Rebellion demo.


She intently watches everything I do.

See more of Photomom Solomon’s work on Facebook.


I titled the picture "Eye in the forest, forest in the eye". It is a hard too find the woodcock. You know that they are there , most of the time unseen. Sometimes I get lucky. 

See more of Kamil’s work on Instagram.


This is a selfie in the eye of my pooch Luna a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel taken on our morning walk, It was taken whilst snowing.

See more of Keith’s work on Instagram, Bluesky and Flickr.


This photo was taken in the fish market in Georgetown Guiana. 

See more of Mark’s work on his website.


A crocodile's eyes! So piercing. So menacing. And yet so beautiful - as long as they’re not focussed on you! Taken at first light on the Yellow River in Kakadu, Northern Territory, Australia

See more of Amanda’s work on Substack and Instagram.


Early one morning last week I was out on the airport apron, waiting to photograph a Royal Canadian Air Force CC-130J Hercules while it was being de-iced in preparation for a flight above the Arctic Circle. As I waited for the de-ice team to arrive, the aircraft crew started the ground-power and heating units to begin thawing the cold-soaked aircraft and slowly bring it to life. I’d had my back to the aircraft as I was turned away to shelter from the biting cold wind.

At one point, I turned around and saw that the crew had turned on the HUDs, or Heads-Up-Displays, which project flight and other data onto thick glass panes that the pilots look through and keep their view forward-looking. I’m not paranoid, but as I looked back at the aircraft I couldn’t help feel that my movements were being followed and I was being looked down upon by the green, piercing eyes of the mighty Hercules.

See more of Simon’s work on his website.


We were walking around RSPB Arne, Dorset when we stumbled across a group of Sika Deer just grazing near to the path. When they clocked us they turned as one to assess the threat. They roam wild around the reserve and we’ve seen them close up every time we’ve been there. I highly recommend a visit if you’re in the area and have an interest in birds or Sika Deer. It’s got a great variety of habitat that includes heathland, estuary, shoreline, woods etc. and a great Cafe!


Another motif from Scotland from me. This was taken on the train on the way over the Tay Bridge in Dundee.

See more of Petter’s work on Instagram.


I have the privilege of photographing my daughter’s university ringette team for the last 4 years. After many years as a goalie, my daughter decided to move to the bench in order to coach. This image was made during a break in play of the last game of this season, and my daughter’s last university ringette game; I was fortunate to catch this candid moment while she was chatting with her goalies. When I reviewed the images, I was immediately drawn to the eyes of the player in the middle as she looks at my daughter. 


"It’s all about those eyes."

This is a photo of my daughter’s Maine Coon cat. His name is Loki. He has a pure white coat and these very distinctive eyes. It will come as no surprise when I tell you that her favourite musician is David Bowie.


This photo was taken on a chilly fall morning, which was likely the only reason this guy let me shove my macro lens in his face. Might also explain the grumpy expression.

See more of Matt’s work on his Instagram, and Flickr.


I call this one “Beware of crossing Diesel!”. Shot in the Big Apple in May of 2023 with my Fufifilm X100V. I had given my self an assignment to see how many photos of billbords/signs I could shoot where it appeared as if the passers by were interacting with the billboard/sign. This one was my favorite. Cheers and many thanks for your podcasts and the extra miles plus the Fujicast with Kev. Great stuff, I’ve been a long time “other listener”. 

See more of David’s work on his Vero profile.


This photo was taken in Paris, near the Pompidou Centre. It was a dull old day so was shooting in black and white and on the hunt for contrast. I liked the whimsical element of the eyes that give a functional item its own personality hiding in plain sight while watching over us.


Things were kicking off in a League1 Ontario Promotion / Relegation playoff.

See more of Paul’s work on his website.


I hope camera traps are allowed as I have several on my property here in Northern California. Mountain lions are regular visitors here along with all other critters associated with the Sierra Nevada Mountains.

See more of Douglas’ work on Instagram.


This is my first time entering a monthly assignment. I had a long road trip this past weekend and was finally able to get caught up and find out what the monthly assignment was before the month ended for once! 

When I heard the assignment was EYES, I immediately thought of this shot I took of a great horned owl a couple years ago near my home in Central Florida (Americaland). I spotted it resting on a dead tree and after shooting its portrait for a few minutes, it abruptly took flight straight in my direction. With just a fraction of a second to react, I shot off two frantic frames and was very fortunate that this one caught the eyes in focus.

See more of Stephanie’s work on Instagram.


I was out for a walk in the park, and this branch caught my eye. To me, it looks like some kind of long-necked animal with its head obviously with its eye and tongue ready to grab some food. I hope you and your other listener can see it also, as I'm trying to think so far outside the box that I can not even see the box.


When eyes were announced as an assignment for February, I knew exactly what I wanted to image - our beautiful tuxedo cat, Xena. To add some interest to her green eyes, I did an exaggerated Dutch Tilt so that I could get her lovely pink nose and some whiskers in the image. 


I am attaching this photo for the February assignment of “eyes” . This is a photo of our late dog Pepper showing us her eternal happiness. She was always a bright eyed happy girl whose joie de vive was infectious and made everyone she met happy.  I can almost see her butt wiggle in this shot but it was always those piercing border collie eyes that just injected her happiness right into you.

See more of Jeff’s work on Substack.


I wanted to try something a bit more conceptual this month. Although my photo is of eyes, I wanted to use different filters to highlight the idea (or perhaps, eye dea!) of different viewpoints and lenses we all have of the world and how people view us. Hence the title, 'Eye am watching you.' 

See more of Jade’s work on her website.


This little Eastern screech owl (above and below) perched on my backyard fence last week in the twilight hours of the evening. Near-0° C wind blew through its feathers as it swiveled its head around searching for food. As the light waned, I shined a utility light on it through the kitchen window and photographed it through the glass. I took nearly 600 images to get the combinations of light, focus, pose, and expression I wanted. I included another photo of this owl I took prior to the sun disappearing.


Here is my submission for this month's assignment, Eyes. It was taken at a working farm about a 30 minute drive outside the city, which opens its doors in the spring and summer to families, to experience the sights and sounds (and smells) of a real farm. I was immediately drawn to the framing and leading lines of the photo and the horse staring right at me really sealed it.

I am amazed by the connection we get through eyes and it must something very unique to the human experience. I can stare into the eyes of animal and feel connected to it, on a level I don't think is otherwise possible. Does it feel the same way about me? Probably not. Here, the horse is probably just thinking, "Neigh" or "Oh great, another human bringing its children with their grubby little hands". 

See more of Joseph’s work on Instagram.


I'd been walking around wondering about this assignment for a few weeks, a bit shy to approach someone to photograph their eyes.  I'd been looking at posters and the photos for the local barbers, and thinking about photographing them. But it was sitting today at the local cafe for lunch, whose tables have collages of pictures and word phrases as their hard covers, I spotted I had eyes right there looking at me. They are rather disconcerting! And someone may be able to say what film or book this comes from? I only had my smartphone to hand, but this solved my wonderings on the eyes to submit. 


I had hoped to make a new image for this month's assignment, however life and travels mean time escaped me so I'm sending one from a safari last year. We were in Tarangiri National Park in Tanzania, and came across these two Common Water Buck.  Their gaze fixated on us in our jeep whilst their wondered if we were of danger to them, and I made this image of them during the five minutes we looked at each other. Quite often, images made on safari show the headlight animals of the "big five" and ignore the beauty of other animals such as these.

See more of David’s work on Instagram.


This picture was taken during a nature walk we took in Luxembourg. Perhaps the edit is a bit much as the photo a bit noisy, but for some reason I like it a lot the way it is. When I heard the assignment this month I immediately thought of this photo.


Long-time listener and first-time sender. Love the show, it inspires me to continue shooting when some days it feels like a chore so I thank you for continuing to put out episodes every week! I look forward to them every Friday. I have spent the last twelve months solely shooting 35mm film to try and slow down and appreciate aesthetic and experience over quantity and perfect focus and resolution. I also find it incredibly refreshing to trust that the film stock will deliver the image with its own feeling without having to edit a few hundred images after wandering the streets of London wherever I’ve been. I took this image just over a year ago outside a small shop selling iris prints in Portobello Market and thought it, although not having eyes in the shot, does hit the brief. 

See more of Frank’s work on Instagram.


This photo has my wife holding a journal that she purchased from a vendor on the waterfront in Faro, Portugal, today. She bought it for our great niece back in Canada.


These eyes stared down at me from a hoarding in Birmingham when I visited the day after I heard about the new challenge. I wouldn't normally photograph other people's graphics but these eyes absolutely spoke to me! Almost uncanny.


My name is Chris Gray. I am currently a hobby photographer based out of Würzburg Germany, and I have been listening to your podcast for only a couple months now. I really enjoy the pace and mood from the podcast and I feel very welcomed while I listen. I wanted to post something in the January assignment but never got around to it. So I want to submit for this month a picture I took of my daughter. She is a companion of mine while I go out on photo walks most of the time. She also loves to jump in front of the camera with the most out of this world expressions, but I generally don't post any pictures of her on social media unless the shots are, how do you say, different. Like this one. She was trying to play a game of hide and shoot with me and I was lucky enough to nail the shot. As mentioned before, I am becoming a huge fan of the podcast and the website and I look forward to new episodes every week. Keep up the awesome work.

See more of Chris’ work on Instagram.


I have just finished listening to episode 470 and thoroughly enjoyed hearing your chat with David Wright. His description of his encounters with bears brought to mind a wonderful holiday I had in Finland where I had the opportunity to photograph some of these magnificent creatures - though I wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of one!


There is a bit of hero-worship going on here.


This is a self-(eye)portrait where I attempted to capture the reflection of a physics equation in my eye. I didn't have time to set up a really dark environment or isolating flash, so this was lit only by a window and a lamp, resulting in a reflection that includes some of my office—oh well. Still, I think it turned out okay. This is one of my favorite equations in physics, the definition of entropy, which governs the physics of so many everyday things. It’s so important that Boltzmann has this inscribed on his tombstone. I realized that I should probably flip the reflection so you can read the equation. Best wishes from Princeton.


A krestel from Bøllingssø. We had eye contact but no conversation. More of a hunter and prey feel.


I was going to share the multiple eyes from the garden pond, but the frogs were not in a posing mode. However, it was good to see so much frog spawn. For this month's photo challenge, ‘eyes’, I selected a British Bulldog I discovered during a walk in the rain in the French city of La Rochelle. Unfortunately, I only captured one bloodshot eye.


In the summer of 2010, between our son Aaron's sophomore and junior year of high school, our family volunteered in Ecuador.

Following our volunteer work, we traveled to Agoyán, Ecuador, nestled in the cloud forest within sight of the erupting Tungurahua Volcano. The eruption was significant, causing evacuations in nearby towns and villages. Sadly, I didn't capture any photos at the time, as I didn't own a proper camera until years later.

On our second day in the cloud forest, we embarked on a zip-line tour in the mountains near our lodge. After the exhilarating experience, we were resting atop a very steep hill. Due to the scarcity of farmland in this region of Ecuador, every patch of fertile land is cultivated. The slopes are so steep that modern machinery is unusable, and oxen are employed for plowing. While we rested, one of the women guiding the oxen approached our guide and asked him, in Spanish, if we wanted to see a bear.

It turned out to be an incredibly rare adolescent spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus), a species seldom seen in Central and South America. Our guide, a man in his mid-30s, had never encountered one before. Many folks book dedicated tours of Central and South America in the hopes of spotting (and photographing) one of these rare bears in the wild.

Driven by excitement, my family, the guide, and I cautiously descended the treacherously steep hillside, navigating around barbed wire fences, to observe the bear beneath a podocarpus tree. Breathless and mindful of the potential return of the bear's mother, we managed to capture this somewhat blurry and unfocused photograph (recovered from a low-resolution JPEG) of the rare creature enjoying its late morning snack.

Charles (Extra-Miler living in Annapolis, Maryland)


It's very difficult getting a cat to be still for a photograph. TC is one of our pets and I did ask him to pose but, as you know, animals often have a mind of their own. Cat's eyes are fascinating and I thought this one was a good one to chase for this month's assignment.


Eyes. Well, it's technically just one eye, so if it doesn't fill the assignment criteria of plural 'eyes', so be it.


Horse eye with me making a guest appearance.


This is my contribution to this Month's assignment.  It was taken during the recent Midsumma Festival in Melbourne Australia. 

Midsumma is Australia's premier queer arts and cultural organisation, bringing together a diverse mix of LGBTQIA+ artists, performers, communities and audiences. The festival is held in Melbourne's summer each year.

See more of Graham’s work on Instagram.


I was suddenly aware in that moment it was as if I was seeing with her eyes as well as my own.

See more of Ian’s work on Instagram.


This is my American Eskimo dog Lucy. She was playing in the snow and I took this pictureof her but it was a bit underexposed. I started to bring up the exposure and decided to go full on high key and this is the result.


I found my way back to photography when my twins were born in 2017. Documenting their daily lives reignited my passion, and as they grew, my photography evolved alongside them. I started mainly photographing them but gradually explored landscapes and street photography, with the occasional portrait of the kids in between. 

See more of Hans’ work on Instagram.


Last year, we picked up two ragdoll kittens as the newest members of the Grebe household (Teddy and Curtis) , as part of that, I have been setting up monthly portrait sessions as a way to have fun and test my skills as a photographer. Anyway, this is my buddy, Teddy, who has some of the most gorgeous eyes of any cat I’ve seen. They are wonderful little companions. (I attached one of Curtis just so you can see too, the grey.)

See more of Matt’s work on his Instagram.


For a little backstory of this photograph, this gander and I have had a rocky history. He likes to hang out at a park where I have been photographing families for years. He is very territorial and likes to chase small children around while honking at them. Despite this being entertaining, it creates problems for me when I have to get the kids not to be scared and to smile so I can take their picture. He doesn’t leave this pond, even during migration, and has been a constant for me photographically for years.

About a year ago, he found a mate. I don’t know what kind of goose she is, but she has stuck around and helps this gander scare children. They are honestly a good match for each other, and she also stays through migration season. Ever since he has found her, he has begun to simmer down. Now don’t get me wrong, he is still an ass, but he is an ass I have grown to respect over the years. So enjoy this photograph of him looking into my soul.

See more of Denver’s work on his website, and on Instagram.


See more of Robin’s work on his website.


This pups owners own the corner bar (pub) here in our small village. Each morning when I would take our St. Bernard, Gerogia, out for her morning stroll he would more than likely be on the patio. He would watch us coming from the opposite direction. We would stop so the two of them could sniff each other as best they could and then we would continue our walk. He would stand there so sad just watching us with his snoot between the bars as you see in this pic.He always looked so sad when we would leave him. One day…... I will have my website up with photos on it.


For this assignment I have included a shot taken at a Barrel Racing Clinic held at Drumcoura City Ireland and run by Northern Lights Barrel Racing - whom travelled from England. From my point of view in the arena, eye contact was very important between myself, the horses and their riders - communicating without speaking and trusting each other to be as safe as possible. This particular mare is a magnificent beast and while she is semi-retired - she is a former champion in western riding.

See more of Morris’ work on his website, and Instagram.


Eyes in a Tree at El Carmelo Cemetery, Pacific Grove, CA. Leica D-Lux (109).  

See more of Michael’s work on his website.


Wanted to send a picture in for the assignment as this is an old favourite that usually gets a comment when its seen. Listening to the podcast I learned from yourself the term spot colour photo and although I used the technique on this picture, but I had no idea that it had a name. 

So onto the picture…

This was taken at a children's petting farm. We used to go there when my son was younger, and this monster owl was used to educate people about him and his smaller relatives. He was an eagle owl and always seemed to stare like he was weighing you up, but I was never sure if this was to eat me, something less sinister.

See more of Chris’ work on his website.


What is it with your own offspring? Do they really appreciate anything you do for them? I was taking photographs at the launch of my daughter's production company at the local community hall. "Just take lots of shots of people, dad."  That's what I did. Took lots of photos of the people at the event for use in publicity. Yet when I took just one photo of Slade, my daughter....death stare! If eyes could kill they would.

See more of Colin’s work on Instagram.



We Study Each Other.

As I spend time on the viewing platform, I found a spot where I was comfortable and settled in to just… watch observe. The lion and lioness did not appear to notice the movement of the people around their habitat enclosure. People came, people left. Stayed a moment then moved on.

After a while the lion took notice of me and I was lucky enough to make eye contact. For a few moments I locked eyes with this amazing creature. I wonder what the lion saw in me as I was watching him? Sympathy, empathy, freedom, confinement… or maybe lunch?

My bucket list does include a photo safari to view the lions in their natural habitat.

See more of Darshan’s work on his website.


In my studio, eyes are everywhere—some attached, some… less so. My four ever-watchful skulls, each with their own distinct personality, have seen it all (or at least half of them have, depending on the state of their ocular accessories).

First, there's the multitasking skull-turned-pen-holder, rocking a pair of heart-shaped sunglasses I wore on my wedding day. Who says romance is dead? Then, there's Eddy, the most unpredictable of the bunch. With a dapper hat perched on his bony head and an unfortunate lack of ocular permanence, his eye habitually launches itself across the room at the most unexpected moments. I no longer flinch when it happens, but visitors? Their reactions are priceless. The retrieval process is a ritual in itself—an eye-rolling (sometimes literally) scavenger hunt across the floor.

Meanwhile, two other skulls reside in illuminated boxes, watching over the studio with eerie elegance. One wears a crown, exuding regal charm, while the other embraces the selfie culture with a bold golden finish and an appropriately hashtagged accessory. They might not blink, but their presence is undeniably eye-catching.

As for my photographic processing—let's just say I hope it's allowable. If not, blame it on Eddy's wandering eye for artistic experimentation.

See more of Martin’s work on Instagram.


Here is a photo I took of Casey at a photo workshop 10 years ago. 

See more of Douglas’ work on his Instagram.

Neale James

Creator, podcaster, photographer and film maker


