Considered one of the world's best darkroom printers, Robin Bell is my guest on the Photowalk this week. For the walk I'm in Berkshire, England with your letters about what photography means to you. Today, photography as a healing force, the Photowalk Retreat 2022 officially opens to all listeners, Christmas gift ideas that won't require you to sell Granny, photos from around the globe from your own adventures and inspirational words from former guests including YouTuber and landscaper photographer Thomas Heaton, National Geo’s Editor in Chief Susan Goldberg, photojournalist Scott Goldsmith and woodland photographer Simon Baxter.
My friends at MPB.com are very precious to this show. They are the number one platform in the UK, US and Europe (with bases in Brighton, Brooklyn and Berlin) when it comes to buying, trading or selling quality used kit online. They help photographers like you to tell your unique stories by giving you a safe place to buy, trade and sell the kit you need and in doing so, you’re a part of sustainable circular economy. Buy used, spend less and get more.
Our Patrons too are so precious with your generous and thoughtful help to keep the show ticking. Today we announce the idea of a drop in - news coming soon to Patrons.
FURTHER REFERENCE: Patron of the day Kenny Molina, Raul Cañibano’s Instagram and website, Vallerret Photography Gloves, Silver Footprint, James Forest musician and the Facebook group for the show.
Robin Bell in his darkroom, St. Leonards-on-Sea, 2021
Hannah Gimblet finding a sense of stillness above. Below, three images from her ‘Process of time, same view different perspective’ study. “These truly put the project into segments and show the change of seasons around me from my view of the door in my room. They portray the very small glimpse of the outside world that I currently have from my bed. So far, I've captured Spring, Summer and Autumn from the same perspective. Fingers crossed for some snow this December/January, as it would make the perfect Winter image.”
Zeeshan Khan’s black and white ‘Beacons of Hope’ from his Narragansett Bay walk.
Quick fire picture emails from (left to right) Craig Wilson (windmills), Andrew Hardacre (Pyrops Candelaria) and Andy Thibault (streams and migration).
My sketchbook via a faithful X100V, the underpass bridge featured during Hannah’s post and looking up through the trees.
The video where Thomas Heaton invites you to imagine the picture he is making. A sound experiment.